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The Parable of the Young Shoots in Lessons from Nature

Dear friends,

I was out in the garden watering the plants. This always gives much peace and joy to my heart. I was looking at the plant that is in the photograph above, and noticed how the young shoots were growing out of the older darker ones. As I did so, I pondered how fresh and new the younger, paler shoots are, and how the darker, older shoots are less striking visually. Our eyes are drawn to the new.

It made me reflect on how the younger generation has come out of and stands on the shoulders of one if not two older generations. How much we, and the generation after us owe them. How sometimes they may be less visible (Although not always!! Some are so much more active than me!) but how crucial and valuable they are, with the wisdom that time develops.

Today I want to honor all those who began the race before us, and who passed the baton on, or who are still running together with us and the generations after us.

Thank you. Thank you. If we and are children are anything today in Him, it is because of you. To my father Peter and mother Heather, Herman and Betsy Bouwhuizen, Tom and Kate Hess, Michael David and Tzipora Moon, Daphne Kirk, Ben Goodman, Oded and Sandy Shoshani, Sonia Waters, Kevin and Rose Sambrook, and many many others who have impacted my life in ways that cannot be measured. ❤