This is what the Lord says, Jeremiah 31 v 35 – 37 Betsy Bouwhuizen
Arrangement for Celtic harps, Katharine van der Beek
Harps and vocals Betsy Bouwhuizen, Katharine van der Beek, Rachel van der Beek
Recorded live on October 15th 2023.
Over the last number of days, as I have spent time praying and considering what Abba’s perspectives on the current war in the Land might be, my eyes fell on Jeremiah 31 v 35 – 37. This is a portion of scripture that I have quoted to every group that I have guided, sometimes multiple times during their time in the land. I have used it in the context of the historical enemies of Israel, to explain why each empire that has sought to destroy Israel has ultimately failed. Not only that, but each of those empires came and went and no longer exists. In contrast, Israel has been preserved for close to 3500 years. As I read these verses, the last leapt off the page towards me – “despite all that they have done.” God is saying that despite Israel’s great sin, He will never completely destroy her, nor reject her. This so beautifully comes against the evil intentions of H-m-s at this time; to wipe us off the face the earth. I felt that God was giving this passage as a “rhema word”, that we can take and confidently declare over Israel at this time. It is not conditional, and in fact He clearly states that He will do this despite the sin of the nation.
As I have an incredible songwriter, singer and worshipper in my home just now, Betsy Bouwhuizen, I asked her if she would be willing to set these verses to music. Betsy sat in the midst of my rather busy home, and penned the beautiful melody that you hear on the clip. To sing these verses brought such a sense of peace in the midst of the severity of the situation. As we continue to cry out for mercy for Israel, and for her to return to her God, just as He has promised, let us also proclaim these verses over her, trusting that she will never cease to exist as a nation before Him.