
Prayer letter, October 15th 2023

Dear praying friends,

Thank you so much to everyone who has sent messages concern and love for me and my family.

I am touched by every one of the messages, but have received so many from so many nations that I thought perhaps the best way to respond would be to write a “letter from the land.”

Firstly, my family and I are safe and well and we are not afraid.  Some of the rockets landed very close to our home, but He who watches over Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps and not one hit our residential area.

Yet, the situation is very serious, the incursions into the Negev are unprecedented, the abductions deeply concerning.  The people who have been kidnapped need our fervent intercession for their safe return.  The IDF need incredible wisdom how to do this without compromising greatly.

Hamas is backed by Iran, and as such is only the tentacle of a much bigger monester.  That monster was provoked by by Israel’s desire to deepen relations with Saudi Arabia.  (It was also financed by Biden’s recent “gift” to Iran.)  Both Saudi and Iran believe that they should be the head of the Islamic world.  Saudi is Sunni, Iran is Shiite.  Both Hamas in Gaza and Hezballah in Lebanon do the bidding of Iran, who for months have been calling for the terrorist groups in Northern Samaria to unify, and that having done so, to attack Israel from within – stating that this is the best way to attack Israel.  This has led to serious attacks in Northern Samaria and also in the Jordan Valley.

BUT, if we study scripture, we quickly discover that it is not so much Israel’s enemies that are the problem, because when Israel was in right relationship with God, and when she was in unity as a nation, her borders expanded.  To give an example – during the reign of both David and Solomon, our borders expanded to the point that they reached from the Euphrates to the Nile.  In contrast, after Solomon dies, having built many idolatrous places of worship, the kingdom not only dramatically shrinks in size, but also is divided into two parts – the Kingdom of Israel in the north and the Kingdom of Judah in the south.

The King of the north, Jeroboam makes an altar in Dan and Bethel, and the idolatry increases as he makes two golden calves which are worshipped, just like on Mount Sinai, provoking God to anger.  In the book of Jeremiah God responds by saying, Israel, you have divroced me, therefore I am going to divorce you.  Part of the divorce is the loss of the marital home – the land of Israel.    God uses the Kings of Assyria to expel Israel from the land – the consequences could not be more serious.

If we fast forward to the Roman destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD, the situation is eerily similar.  Facing a serious enemy, the Jews in Jerusalem are divided. They disagree as to how to deal with the threat and turn on each other in horrendous ways.

Recently, watching the division in my nation, and the hatred of sectors towards others, I have seen striking parallels to the seriousness of this situation, understanding  that since God is the same yesterday and forever, He will not leave this unpunished.

I believe that more serious than what our enemies are doing, unspeakably terrible though it is, is what we have done to ourselves; through our disunity we created a breach in the wall. Our enemies saw this breach , and just as in the Yom Kippur war of 1973, they took advantage of a shabbat and an appointed time to attack.   Another parallel is the failure of intellegence, or perhaps a failure to act on intellegence. Either way it is a very shameful situtaion that allowed such a serious breach of our borders.

Please pray!  We need the shield of prayer to be lifted over our land.

  • Please pray for this breach in the wall to be closed.
  • Please pray for our nation to be brought back to  a place of unity.
  • Please pray that our nation will return to  a place of right relationship with God – we are right after Yom Kippur when we repent as a nation for our sins, both known and unknown, both spoken and unspoken, both deliberate and unintentional.
  • Please pray for God to return His hand of protection to our land.
  • Please pray for mercy and supernatural protection for those who have been captured.  Please pray that they will be returned. ALIVE. INTACT. QUICKLY so that their families do not suffer more sleepless nights, fear, sorrow.
  • Please pray for comfort for those who have lost loved ones.
  • Please pray for Hamas.  Hezballah.  The leadership of Iran. That they will encounter the living God and turn and repent.  Yeshua is the only hope for peace in the Middle East and His peace plan is the only one that will work.
  • Please pray for protection for our soldiers, especially those from within the body in Israel.
  • Please pray for their families who are afraid for their safety.
  • Please pray for the salvation of Israel.
  • Please please pray for the children of Israel. For their parents to have wisdom and to be strong.  Against trauma, suicidal thoughts and depression.  They have lived through so much, more than a child should ever have to face. Please cry out for them!
  • Please declare Isaiah 19 over this region: “ Inthat day there will be a highway from Egypt to Assyria and the Assyrians will come to Egypt and the Egyptians to Assyria and the Egyptians will worship with the Assyrians.  In that day Israel will be the third along with Egypt and Assyria, a blessing in the midst of the earth.”

2 Chronicles 20 v 12 – we have no power to face this great multitude that is attacking us.  We do not know what to do – but our eyes are on you.  Father, let this be the battle cry of our nation as we go in to Gaza.